Upfest 2022

smaller projects around the world

This is a gallery of all the different smaller collaborative works I have done around the world with friends. The works includes locations like Cuba and Germany.

Upfest 2022

Upfest 2022

The mural I made for Upfest 2022. In Bristol UK. Looking forward to next time Upfest!

 Location: Berlin. Mauerpark.  This is a section of the Berlin wall that was moved to a park in the heart of Berlin. One of the locations you definetly got to check out if you ever visit Berlin. Always someone painting and always a good wibe.

Location: Berlin. Mauerpark. This is a section of the Berlin wall that was moved to a park in the heart of Berlin. One of the locations you definetly got to check out if you ever visit Berlin. Always someone painting and always a good wibe.
