Spildepollen School
The biggest project of my carrer so far.
The summer of 2018, after my first exibition, I was contacted by an arcitect by the name of Chris McConnachie. The guy told me that he and the team of teachers and project managers, building a new school on my home Island Sotra wanted me to paint some walls.
I made 4 murals troughout the school. The murals was made to make the young people who goes to this school stop for a second and think: what is my role in the world? what do I contribute to my surroundings? (and if I help someone on their way to making a little bit of art that would be kinda awesome!)
I had a awesome time doing this project. and I am very proud to have had the opportunity to decorate a awesome building like this. The future of mankind is in the hands of the youth. Great to see the tools and possibilites we are providing them with.
I want to thank every single person who helped me make this possible.

For me the most important part of this mural is not the first thing that catches your eye. The fire is beautiful, poweful and vulnerable.
The spectators have the ability to give something to the fire.
What do you give to your surroundings?
wich one are you?